Zero Heart Space

Zero Heart Space


"Not enough can be said about the significance of the reality of true beingness, which I have named the No-Oneness, who, as the Heart, is beyond selfishness and selflessness. My references for this condition of reality or awakened view go far back to my infancy and first few years of life when I was clearly cognizant, that is, aware of the spiritual Sound current, as witnessed by my mother. This process arose of itself and not by virtue of any mere blood, body, ear, self, thought, mind or world programming. Clearly, awareness as liberation awareness is the original condition, birthright and spiritual fact of every being. One can say it is through this silence-hearing ear of awakeness and silence-burn that both the universe and Enlightened Ensoundment are realized. I humorously offer this meditative writing to all who are beginning to know or who have always known transcendent Zero Heart-Space as The Matrix of No-Oneness."-Tisziji Muñoz


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