Gentle Fire: The Peace of Transcendence

Gentle Fire: The Peace of Transcendence


Gentle Fire was written as a companion text to two of my written works, Blessed Aloneness and I Am Silence. Blessed Aloneness is for getting to the refuge of profound aloneness, and I Am Silence is living from the liberation of refuge. Gentle Fire is practicing abiding in the refuge of dynamic peacefulness. Each of these serves its purpose of bringing the practitioner closer to complete cessation of neuroses. Word can guide you there and even deliver you beyond itself. Sound can guide you there and even deliver you beyond itself. Light can guide you there and even deliver you beyond itself. Anything can guide you there and even deliver you beyond yourself. The Burn can guide you there and deliver you beyond itself. The Heart can guide you there and here and transcend you as yourself. These are also offered in the spirit of confirming the presence of the path and liberation for the few who are in resonance with this Sound of Hu. All beings are already delivered, but who knows this as such?


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